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Created 19-Feb-17
Modified 26-Feb-24
Visitors 183
882 photos
The Winter Ball is always a particularly valuable event in the College’s liturgical year. Planned, organized, and executed by the African American Student Association, the Ball is open to all students. Because it welcomes everyone, it receives support from SGA. Tickets are ridiculously cheap, so, apart from the cost of a new dress, or tie, or absolutely fabulous shoes, - oh, and hair - it’s a very affordable occasion, and it serves as a “Formal” dance for students who are not affiliated with another organization. No date is necessary; one can come on ones own, or with a group of friends. A number of Alums attend, so it’s a bit of a reunion, and a few students from neighboring colleges attend as well. This year, once again, the Winter Ball was held at the Inn at Reading. There was some pretty good food, a great DJ, lots of dancing, and a good mood. And there was a chance to get your picture taken – multiple times in some cases. The results are not art. But, decades hence, they may serve as proof to some alum’s descendants that grandma or grandpa was once young, fun-loving, beautiful, and surrounded by friends.