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Created 25-Feb-24
Modified 25-Feb-24
Visitors 127
50 photos
If any company or institution were to publish an adequate description of the job that Mike Miller has done for Albright College - Caterer par excellence, host to thousands of public and private events, Sommelier, resident stand-up comedian, Santa Claus, Alternative Spring Break Leader, mentor, teacher, confident and friend to generations of students - they would not be able to fit it on one page. Nor would they have the nerve to ask all that of any employee. Mike may have worked for Aramark during the second half of his tenure here, but he GAVE his heart and soul to the community. It has always been a struggle to make Albright's numbers add up. It is only the dedication, love, pride, and irrepressible good humor that Mike so completely personifies that make this place work, that make Albright Albright.