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Created 25-May-09
Modified 26-May-09
Visitors 502
545 photos
A sunny day in Shirk Stadium encouraged me to picture the 2009 Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises from my vantage point as a member of the faculty. Congratulations to all my students and their families!

The images are yours to enjoy. If you did want to order prints (or T-Shirts, coffee mugs, or tote bags, for that matter), that's easily done by moving your cursor over the image you want and clicking the Add-to-Cart button. Mpix does a beautiful job with prints of all sizes, packing and shipping.

I alternated lenses between the 17-55 2.8 and the 70-300 3.5 VR on my Nikon D300 body. The chief technical challenge of the day was white balance since some subject were out in the sunny or hazy or cloudy day and others were under cover.

Again, congratulations to the Class of 2009.